Tag Archives: Marriage

Life In General

Today we live in a world which is very busy. The things that mean most to us seem to be put on the back burner to adhere to our obligations. Children have way too much homework it’s almost impossible to even study and spend time as a family. I’ve seen husbands and wives loose their connection because they hardly spend time together not because they don’t love each other, but they have been so busy when they finally get home and have dinner they are tired.  Life at times seems like you have to pencil in family time and not to mention that so important sweet time alone.

Making Glenn and my relationship work we found that Date Night is a must. We have been parents for a long time not only to our own, but to foster children, family’s children and well just some that take residence here. We fell into that so busy trap until I noticed I needed my husbands time alone. We began going out for coffee, then Saturday morning breakfast then on to Dinner at the beach which we love.  Now, that the children are older we are able to leave for a overnight trip. Still have not done the whole weekend because we miss our children so much, but we are moving into that area next. Being alone with him just talking and yes we still hold hands we find a calmness about us. We laugh and joke like in our beginning. I love that. I love to see him smile and those crows feet glassine around his eyes. It makes my heart feel right.

Why this blog?  To remind you and encourage you to go out with your sweetheart and enjoy each other. Get a sitter, do something and take in all

Date Night Required

Enjoy Each Other

that sweet tension (the good stuff) you once had or at least use to have.  

Until next time ~ Bonnie