Tag Archives: church

10 Things Forgiveness Is Not

It’s not saying, “Well, it’s okay. Nobody’s perfect. Everybody makes a mistake,” or, “It’s not a really big deal. Worse things have happened.” No, it is a big deal! It’s so big that God died for it. So don’t dishonor the cross of Jesus and approve or diminish something that required the death of God.

I see this frequently with wives who misunderstand submission. “Okay, the husband is the head of the home, he’s supposed to lovingly lead.” Great. He’s supposed to lovingly lead by following Jesus, and if he’s not following Jesus, the wife shouldn’t follow him because her ultimate allegiance is to Jesus and the first job description of the wife is to be a helper. And sometimes husbands are foolish. They make stupid decisions financially. They make reckless decisions spiritually. They buck godly, spiritual authority trying to correct them. And in the name of forgiving them, the wife comes along and enables him. She just is complicit in his rebellion and sin and folly. You can forgive someone without enabling their sin, participating in it. You can have a friend or a family member who is an addict, for example, you can forgive them without enabling them. Forgiving is not enabling. Forgiving can even include confronting and rebuking, and sometimes it must.

“It didn’t happen. I forgot all about it. I just moved on. I pretend like it never happened. I didn’t let it affect me.” That’s not true. It’s not the denial of a wrongdoing. Forgiveness is not denying that you were sinned against.

Some of you say, “I will forgive them as soon as they say they’re sorry.” I hate to break it to you, some people are never going to apologize. Some people are going to continue in their destructive, rebellious, and foolish life course. Some people will be stubborn and religious and self-righteous and they’ll never confess or admit. Some people will move away, you’ll never speak with them again. Some people will die before they articulate repentance. And so you forgive them before they apologize.

This is one of the great Christian myths. “Well, we forgive and forget.” No we don’t! You can’t forgive and forget. You can’t. You were raped, molested, abandoned, beaten, abused, cheated on, betrayed, lied about. “Forget it”? You can’t forget it. It’s impossible. And some will appeal to Bible books like Jeremiah, where it says that God will remember their sin no more. And they’ll say, “See? God doesn’t remember our sin.” And let me tell you this, God does remember our sin. He’s omniscient, he’s all knowing, he forgets nothing, he knows everything. Right? It’s not like God’s in heaven going, “I forgot a whole bunch of things.” He would cease to be God. What does it mean that God remembers their sin no more? It means that God chooses not to interact with us based upon what we’ve done, but instead interact with us based upon what Christ has done. It means that he chooses to see us as new creations and he chooses to work for a new future. It means that at the forefront of God’s thinking toward us is not all of the sin that we’ve committed, but all the work that Jesus has done for us and in us and, by grace, will do through us. But it’s not like God has no idea what you did yesterday. He forgets nothing. And I see this sometimes in counseling, where one person will sin against another person and they’ll say, “Well, you shouldn’t even remember that.” It’s impossible. I had one situation recently. I looked at the husband, I was like, “You slept with her best friend. She’s not going to forget that ever. Now, she can choose not to interact with you in light of that. She could choose to forgive you. She can choose to not be stewing on that every minute of every day and seething. But she’s never going to forget that this happened because it was cataclysmic.”

Just because it hurts doesn’t mean you’ve failed to forgive. It still hurts. Some of you have had horrible things done to you. Horrible things done to you. With all sincerity, I’m sorry. And it would be so cruel to say, “Well, if you’ve forgiven them, it shouldn’t hurt anymore.” Well, sure it does. See, we don’t hear in the Bible that all the tears are wiped from our eyes until the resurrection of the dead in the final unveiling of the kingdom. It means people are crying all the way to Jesus. It still hurts. It’s okay for it to bother you.

It’s not like you forgive someone and it’s over. Sometimes, they keep sinning, so you need to keep forgiving. Or sometimes you forgive them, but there are emotional moments where it feels fresh. There’s one woman that I know, her husband committed adultery on her. And he earnestly repented and she honestly forgave him and they have sought biblical counseling and they have worked it out. But she confesses there are times, sometimes even at church, where her husband is doing nothing wrong, and it’s been some years, that she’ll just see him talking to another woman, maybe even a mutual friend, and just the sight of him with another woman causes her to feel all of that betrayal again and it rises up in her soul. And she needs to forgive him again for what he did in the past. Sometimes forgiveness is something that is regularly required.

You can forgive someone and call the police and have them arrested. You can forgive someone and testify against them in court. Romans 13 says to obey the government. They’d say, “I thought you forgave me.” “I do. I forgive you. But you’ve committed a crime. You’ve broken the law. And so these are the consequences.” If you’ve stolen, you need to pay it back. If you’ve lied, you need to go tell the truth. It’s not a neglecting of justice. You can forgive and pursue justice.

I hear this all the time. “My dad molested me. He said he’s sorry. Can he babysit my kids?” Answer? No way. No way. “My boyfriend or husband hit me, but he said he’s sorry. Should we just pick up where we left off and keep going?” No way. See, trust is built slowly. It’s lost quickly. Trust is built slowly. Those of you, now hear this, I’m your pastor who loves you. Let me put an airbag around this. For those of you who are naive and gullible, trust is to be given slowly, lost quickly. Some of you give your whole heart away and never take it back. Give it away slowly and if someone sins against you grievously, trust has to be rebuilt over time. It’s not trusting. It’s not trusting. Some people can be trusted in time with fruit and keeping with repentance after they’ve gotten help. Other people should never be trusted because the risk is simply too high. This is particularly true with children who are vulnerable. We need to be exceedingly careful with who we trust.

It’s not that you’re friends and you hang out and everything’s okay. You’re close and it’s back to normal. Not at all. It takes one person to repent. It takes one person to forgive. It takes two people to reconcile. That’s why Paul says, “In as much as it is possible with you, seek to live at peace with all men.” Here’s what he’s saying. Do your best, but you can’t be at peace with everyone. But if it doesn’t work out, make sure it’s their fault, not yours. Right? It takes two people to reconcile. This is where I’ve got a friend right now who’s in the midst of a divorce because she is acknowledging her own sin, her husband really is the problem, and she’s saying, “I love you, I forgive you. If you’ll meet with counselors, if you’ll submit to the authority in our church, I extend a hand to you and we can reconcile and save this marriage.” He’s saying, “No. I don’t think I did anything wrong. I don’t think I need to listen to the pastor. I don’t need to meet with a counselor. I don’t need to listen to anyone. It’s your fault.” There will be no reconciliation. Not with a man like that. Repentance takes one, forgiveness takes one, reconciliation takes two.

Now, in hearing this, some of you, like me, will have strong sense of justice. You say, “But if I forgive them, where’s the justice?” Justice comes, friends, ultimately from Jesus. Either they will come to faith in Christ and you will get your justice at the cross, where Jesus’ blood was shed in their place for their sins as Jesus’ blood was shed in your place for your sin, because Lord knows we’ve hurt people too, or, if they remain unrepentant, your forgiving them does not mean that they are ultimately forgiven. They’ve sinned against you and God, and as you forgive them, you’re leaving them to Jesus. And if they live in a state of unrepentance and they don’t come to Jesus for forgiveness, they will stand before Jesus in the end. And they will be judged and sentenced to the conscious eternal torments of hell to suffer forever for all of their sin, paying their eternal debt to the living God. So, in forgiving someone, we are not neglecting justice. We’re leaving it to the perfect judge to enact perfect justice, either at the cross or in hell, but either way justice will be served. And we forgive in light of that.

Scripture ~ Can’t Find What You Need? Let’s Connect

As a Theology graduate I know my Bible.  Many people from students in Christian school, Youth Groups, Church questions, a point of view, etc. If you can’t find what you are looking for let’s connect and I will find it for you.


You Are

WE have seen this video many times on social network sites, but it remains TRUTH. Powerful words to bring realization to a hurting society of women who feel a lack of worth. Those who grow up believing the unkind, negativity that is said to them over and over again. Embedding all the harm that has been done to their bodies and mind. Let it go my sisters let it go. You are a one of a kind who the creator developed a plan for your life long before you were thought of by the human mind. Those who have hurt you along the way did so of their own free will and you sister have your own free will to wipe the slate clean. Forgive those who have harmed you in some way and move on, move on forward to the special dynamics of a faithful father that has many specific designs for your life. Give your true path to that one who loves you more than anything or anyone can. Let him illuminate your steps, your path to fulfill your true destiny. Sister walk your path and may we have the privilege to watch you radiate the world with your gifts? God bless you my friend for going and doing what you and only you were gifted for. You are loved.

Love Your Wife According To The Bible

How to Love Your Wife According to the Bible

So did you know that there are Biblical commands for husbands? Husbands have responsibilities to love and honor their wives. Would you like to be a husband who loves his wife as Christ loved the Church…

 I hope you enjoy this article. We all want true love in life right?  The truest love of all is Christ love for us, but finding that special someone to unite your life with can be difficult to say the least, but once you do loving them, treating them as if they are the most expensive, important and fragile thing you own is so important. We are a gift to each other so everyday should be a celebration of love.


  1. Love Your Wife According to the Bible Step 1.jpg

    “Love your wife as Christ loved the Church.“(Ephesians 5:25) Risk your life to help or save your wife. Christ’s love for the church is without limits, nothing is held back. He gave His life for the church – before you loved Him. His love does not depend on your love for Him. Under God’s authority – love your wife as service–as giving your life to God.

  2. Love Your Wife According to the Bible Step 2.jpg

    “Love your wife in the same way you love your body and your life.“(Ephesians 5:28-33) You care for your body daily to be as well fed and healthy as possible. You quickly take care of any needs or desires. Any sexual desire as a husband should be cared for with your wife. In the same way, care for your wife’s needs and well being. Feel your wife’s pain and illness and rejoice in her health as if it were your own life. A husband must see his wife’s sexual desires and make supreme efforts to meet those needs too. Basically, her need or desire whether financial, physical, emotional or spiritual in your relationship must receive your full effort. Only in this way can you love her and provide for her just as well as you do for yourself.

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    “Be considerate as you live with your wife, with respect ...”(I Peter 3:7) The Bible says that if we neglect this command, our prayers will be hindered! To be considerate, quit any irritating habits! When she needs to be helped carrying heavy items, do it! If she needs time you can take care of the family! Help your wife with all of your energy, show your love to her with all consideration. Pray to see where you may be inconsiderate.

  4. Love Your Wife According to the Bible Step 4.jpg

    “Do not be harsh with your wife.“(Colossians 3:19) When a wife is sensitive realize that harsh answers, angry looks, irritated tones of voice and impatience will deeply affect your wife. Rejoice that she is a lady and isn’t like you – remember that she is a precious gift God has given you.

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    “The husband’s body does not belong to him alone but also to his wife.“(I Corinthians 7:3-5) Please your wife physically. Don’t deprive her of what she needs. Sexual pleasure is something that is given, not forced or taken. Discuss what her needs are both inside and outside of the bedroom.

  6. Love Your Wife According to the Bible Step 6.jpg

    “Rejoice in your wife all your life. Let her body satisfy you. Be captivated with her.”(Proverbs 5:18-19) No man should look at other women or pictures of other women when he has a wife on whom he can gaze daily. A husband should become fully satisfied with his wife’s body. No matter what the size or shape, if a man will let it happen, and ask God to help him, he can grow to truly find his wife’s breasts to be the most attractive in the world. This is the true spirit of being captivated with your wife. Such a wife will feel sexy, attractive, and most of all, ladylike.

  7. Love Your Wife According to the Bible Step 7.jpg

    “And that women may be dressed in simple clothing, with a quiet and serious air; not with vanity about her hair and gold or jewels or expensive clothing;”(1 Timothy 2:9) Encourage your wife to be modest in public and erotic in private with you. A modest woman is a lady. There is much sin and temptation that results from women showing too much skin in public. Just think of the pleasure of knowing that no one sees too much of your wife’s legs but you! You will be shocked at how this one maneuver will increase your feelings of masculinity and her feelings of femininity.

  8. Love Your Wife According to the Bible Step 8.jpg

    “Do not be captivated by other women.“(Proverbs 5:20) Finding other women attractive and looking at them will erode your own view of your wife. You will be less satisfied with her and she will feel less special to you. No man can build a habit of glances without subconsciously doing it in his wife’s company. And she will notice. Remember to be captivated with your wife and no one else. She will feel like the Queen of the world and you will fall further in love with her.

  9. Love Your Wife According to the Bible Step 9.jpg

    “Call your wife ‘blessed’ and praise her.“(Proverbs 31:28-29) Tell her that she is special and is greater than any other woman on earth. Don’t just mention her physical beauty, but her care for you, her hard work, and her ladylike attributes. Watch the flower of your wife blossom as you repeatedly fill her ears with your praises. She longs for those words and she wants to hear them from you! Of course you don’t need pride, but that does not change the wife’s need and longing to be treasured.

  10. Love Your Wife According to the Bible Step 10.jpg

    “Tell your wife how captivated you are with her body.“(Song of Solomon 4:7; 7:1-8) A true lover will make sure that his wife knows that he finds no flaw in her. God made your wife. God makes no mistakes. If you find a part of her body flawed, then it is your mind that needs to be changed. The responsibility upon the man to grow to love and express love for every part of his wife and also to respectfully and sensually tell her so. It will not help to criticize her or to be sarcastic. Think of how good she will feel when both you and she truly believe that you are enamored with every part of her!

  11. Love Your Wife According to the Bible Step 11.jpg

    “Honor your marriage; keep it pure by remaining true to your wife in every way.“(Hebrews 13:4) Jesus says that “lustful looks are adultery.”(Matthew 5:28) This is similar to “because where your treasure is there will your heart be also…”(Luke 12:34). Do not treasure such lustfulness in any area of life, but deny it access to you heart. Keep your marriage pure by training your heart and eyes to be true to your wife. Your marriage will reap huge benefits if you do!

    • Thank the Lord for beauty and appreciate it but keep your eye, joy, mind and heart for the wife.
  12. Love Your Wife According to the Bible Step 12.jpg

    “Be thankful for your wife and realize the favor you have received from God.“(Proverbs 18:22) Just think of how lonely you would be without a wife. Adam was alone and it wasn’t good for him to be alone, so God gave him a wife. You have a lifetime companion, a friend, and a lover to enjoy every day. What a blessing! Thank God and pray for her daily. She is a tremendous “prize” from God.

  13. Love Your Wife According to the Bible Step 13.jpg

    “Be one flesh with your wife in every way.“(Matthew 19:5) Enjoy life with her as if you were inseparable, but live your life thoughtfully. Long to be with her like you did when you first met. Rush home from work to her. Think about her during the day. Call her every day. Learn as a couple to agree: be like minded. Enjoy intimacy and sex often. You should have sex as often as is necessary to meet the desires of whichever spouse has the stronger sex drive, and as schedules and health permit. Spend time just talking and sharing the day’s events. Show a genuine interest – listening intently – giving your full attention and eye contact. Your wife is more important than anything or anyone but Jesus Christ. Be as one with your wife.